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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Incorporation services - Business formation - Incorporate online
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ActiveFilings LLC is a document filing service and cannot provide you with legal, tax or financial advice. The information on our website, is designed to provide general information related to the business incorporation in the USA. It is presented with the understanding that ActiveFilings LLC is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
© 2001 -2010 by Active Filings LLC. All Rights Reserved
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Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Business Plans - Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Subject and Course Guides at University of California Irvine
cOOL !!
Business Plans - Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Subject and Course Guides at University of California Irvine
cOOL !!
How to Get Funding for a New Business
How to Get Funding for a New Business
Sep 20, 2010 Nick Schklair
Many with a good business idea or concept believe that, if only they had the necessary funding, they could go into business and be successful. That's only partially true. The other part is that if they really want to go into a business, they should write their idea (develop a business plan) and approach some investors. Almost a business corollary to that is that they probably should develop their business, products and operate on a small scale (in their garage) to prove their concept while approaching investors. The real question is, who to approach?
Commercial Banks, Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors
Obviously, if one's business model goes beyond a very basic level, outside funding must be sought. Normally, the entrepreneur's personal resources will typically be invested immediately, but if the business requires a real injection of capital, then friends and family are next. In some situations, a person’s family or friends may not be the ideal source of capital. Therefore, the entrepreneur is forced to consider venture capital, commercial banks or so-called angel investors.
Unless your business is already established and the funding required is for a new but related business associated with the existing enterprise, commercial banks are typically not the easiest sources of funding to obtain. That leaves you with angel investors and the venture capital community. Angel investors may be successful entrepreneurs looking for interesting investments or perhaps they are connected with business associations that seek to help raise capital for new opportunities. In any event, try joining networking groups or associations where these types attend. The prospective entrepreneur should also look for small business grants and small business loans (through the SBA), as well.
Venture Capital Requirements
Venture capitalists are a breed apart. Typically, they are demanding in what they require from a start up management team or entrepreneur. They operate as an investment front end for a group of established investment funds, wealthy individuals or corporate entities. Their operating strategy is to fund several investments usually in a specialized area: IT, software, health care, etc., hoping for a winner or two out of their investment portfolio. When and if an investment does not pay off, the VCs typically will sell off and recoup what they can of their investment.
Venture capital firms are interested in the following characteristics in any investment they fund:
- Minimal risk
- Very high payoff
- Financial commitment from the management team
- Experienced management team
- Breakthrough product line, technology or large emerging potential market
- Control.
Like any investor, the venture capital community is risk averse, but is universally interested in very high returns. Typically, these conditions are fundamentally at odds with each other, nevertheless, venture capitalist prefers that situation. As a precondition to the foregoing, they also demand that whomever is seeking funding, has sunk his own funds into the venture. By this strategy they know that the security of their funds is increased, when the management team has more to lose than they do. Of course, a seasoned management team and products that have a large potential market will further enhance the possibility that the business is successfully funded.
Read on
A Priori: The Business Plan
Before a funding source or venture capital company is contacted, the business or management team must have a well documented business plan and strategy written and available for review. The plan must contain your financial plan, marketing plan and sales plan. With that completed, it will also have an executive summary. The executive summary is sent to a venture capitalist for an initial screening review. Typically, most venture capital groups receive dozens of similar proposals every day. That's why it's important to have made a personal contact via telephone, if not in person.
The follow up after the plan has been received is vital. If the representative from the venture capital company has not already reviewed the plan, a follow up call after a week or so will bring it, hopefully, to his top of mind awareness. If there is interest, normally, they'll call back within a week or so of their review. If not, then at best, perhaps one more call is justified. If and when they do call you, they will have certain questions or issues that they might wish to have addressed prior to a personal meeting. You might wish to now send the entire plan.
If the interest is sustained, the venture group will probably request a meeting in their offices. This is where a good Power Point presentation is required that will cover the main points of the business plan. The meeting will have the initial VC contact and perhaps others with some expertise in the business area that the plan addresses.
This will be the commencement of the negotiation process. At this meeting, the prospective CEO and management team must be present. One word of caution, if the funds that the management team invested or will invest in the business are very minimal, expect that the venture capital group will have voting control over the company. If the funding that is sought is minimal, i.e., some bridge funding, then the management team may be able to exert a greater control on the business. Generally the company providing most of the funding will expect most of the control. While it's a negotiation, it always follows the Golden Rule of finance, "He who has the gold, makes the rules."
Copyright Nick Schklair. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.
Terrific !!
How to Get Funding for a New Business
How to Get Funding for a New Business
Sep 20, 2010 Nick Schklair
Many with a good business idea or concept believe that, if only they had the necessary funding, they could go into business and be successful. That's only partially true. The other part is that if they really want to go into a business, they should write their idea (develop a business plan) and approach some investors. Almost a business corollary to that is that they probably should develop their business, products and operate on a small scale (in their garage) to prove their concept while approaching investors. The real question is, who to approach?
Commercial Banks, Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors
Obviously, if one's business model goes beyond a very basic level, outside funding must be sought. Normally, the entrepreneur's personal resources will typically be invested immediately, but if the business requires a real injection of capital, then friends and family are next. In some situations, a person’s family or friends may not be the ideal source of capital. Therefore, the entrepreneur is forced to consider venture capital, commercial banks or so-called angel investors.
Unless your business is already established and the funding required is for a new but related business associated with the existing enterprise, commercial banks are typically not the easiest sources of funding to obtain. That leaves you with angel investors and the venture capital community. Angel investors may be successful entrepreneurs looking for interesting investments or perhaps they are connected with business associations that seek to help raise capital for new opportunities. In any event, try joining networking groups or associations where these types attend. The prospective entrepreneur should also look for small business grants and small business loans (through the SBA), as well.
Venture Capital Requirements
Venture capitalists are a breed apart. Typically, they are demanding in what they require from a start up management team or entrepreneur. They operate as an investment front end for a group of established investment funds, wealthy individuals or corporate entities. Their operating strategy is to fund several investments usually in a specialized area: IT, software, health care, etc., hoping for a winner or two out of their investment portfolio. When and if an investment does not pay off, the VCs typically will sell off and recoup what they can of their investment.
Venture capital firms are interested in the following characteristics in any investment they fund:
- Minimal risk
- Very high payoff
- Financial commitment from the management team
- Experienced management team
- Breakthrough product line, technology or large emerging potential market
- Control.
Like any investor, the venture capital community is risk averse, but is universally interested in very high returns. Typically, these conditions are fundamentally at odds with each other, nevertheless, venture capitalist prefers that situation. As a precondition to the foregoing, they also demand that whomever is seeking funding, has sunk his own funds into the venture. By this strategy they know that the security of their funds is increased, when the management team has more to lose than they do. Of course, a seasoned management team and products that have a large potential market will further enhance the possibility that the business is successfully funded.
Read on
A Priori: The Business Plan
Before a funding source or venture capital company is contacted, the business or management team must have a well documented business plan and strategy written and available for review. The plan must contain your financial plan, marketing plan and sales plan. With that completed, it will also have an executive summary. The executive summary is sent to a venture capitalist for an initial screening review. Typically, most venture capital groups receive dozens of similar proposals every day. That's why it's important to have made a personal contact via telephone, if not in person.
The follow up after the plan has been received is vital. If the representative from the venture capital company has not already reviewed the plan, a follow up call after a week or so will bring it, hopefully, to his top of mind awareness. If there is interest, normally, they'll call back within a week or so of their review. If not, then at best, perhaps one more call is justified. If and when they do call you, they will have certain questions or issues that they might wish to have addressed prior to a personal meeting. You might wish to now send the entire plan.
If the interest is sustained, the venture group will probably request a meeting in their offices. This is where a good Power Point presentation is required that will cover the main points of the business plan. The meeting will have the initial VC contact and perhaps others with some expertise in the business area that the plan addresses.
This will be the commencement of the negotiation process. At this meeting, the prospective CEO and management team must be present. One word of caution, if the funds that the management team invested or will invest in the business are very minimal, expect that the venture capital group will have voting control over the company. If the funding that is sought is minimal, i.e., some bridge funding, then the management team may be able to exert a greater control on the business. Generally the company providing most of the funding will expect most of the control. While it's a negotiation, it always follows the Golden Rule of finance, "He who has the gold, makes the rules."
Copyright Nick Schklair. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.
Terrific !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Key to Successful Relationships Part 1 of 2
-->Every single person in your life is a mirror – knowing this is the key to all successful relationships. Others are simply reflecting parts of your own consciousness back to you, giving you an opportunity to really see yourself.
The qualities you most admire in others are your own and the same goes for those qualities you dislike. To change anything in your relationships, be the change you want to see – it is the only relationship advice you will ever need to transform your relationships into the joyful experience they are meant to be.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
The key to successful relationships is to recognize yourself in the other person. It is to come to know the Truth that everything and everyone is your mirror. Once you learn what it truly means to see yourself reflected back at you, then there is no room for blame, there is no room for judgment and there is no room to feel like a victim of another person’s actions or words. There is only room for real love based on understanding and gratitude.Compromise comes easy, forgiveness is a given and growth is inevitable. While this Truth applies to all of your relationships – from your family, to your friends and colleagues, and even to those you deem your “enemy” – it is your relationship with your significant other that enables you to take the closest, most accurate look at who you are.
You Are Always the Common Denominator
Have you noticed how all your intimate relationships tend to be similar – only the face changes while the fundamentals remain the same. The repetition of the same problems, the same feelings and the same insecurities often leave you despondent and even reluctant to try again.You surrender yourself to the belief that relationships are difficult and require much compromise and that successful relationships are a matter of luck, timing or even Divine Will. You can’t help but notice how what starts off with such hope often ends with no hope at all.
What you perhaps haven’t noticed though is that in all these repetitive relationships there has always been one and only common denominator – YOU. What you perhaps haven’t realized is that whoever the person is that you have next to you, no matter how many times you change him or her, the fundamentals of your relationship will remain unchanged (albeit to varying degrees) because they are simply mirroring you. It can be no other way.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Everything you admire in another person belongs to you and the same goes for all that which you dislike. In order for you to recognize a certain quality in another, then it must be part of your consciousness – you could not see it otherwise.Your relationships are a perfect mirror of your inner relationship with yourself. Your relationships with others are your opportunity to experience yourself. Just like the Universe is the only way the One Universal Consciousness can experience Itself – it is the Law of Correspondence, as above so below.
Your Beliefs and Actions are Staring You in the Face: We all have those habitual thoughts and actions which are a product of our beliefs and previous experiences. Your beliefs about relationships, about men, about women, about love and life in general are all there for you to see in your relationships. If you dislike certain negative qualities in your partner, such as their insecurities or negativity, they too are yours.
It cannot be emphasized enough that the more you love or hate a particular quality in another person, the more it belongs to you. It falls into one of two categories (or both):
1. a belief about yourself or
2. an action or quality of yours.For instance, if you believe that men or women are not to be trusted or if you yourself have been willing to be the “other woman” or “other man” in the past, then by the Law of Attraction you will attract relationships in which a lack of trust is a major issue because that is where you have chosen to vibrate.
Even if your partner is being faithful to you, you will look for reasons to prove otherwise and as the saying goes, you always find what you are looking for. If for instance you dislike your partner’s jealousy, you will find that you too are jealous perhaps not of him or her but of others.
Simply put, when your partner acts in a particular way that upsets you, you will find that you too act in the same way perhaps not towards him or her but towards others. The more a particular action frustrates you, the more it reflects a part of you which you have not previously acknowledged – this is the key to successful relationships. The bottom-line cause of divorce, is when one or both of the partners can no longer stand to see themselves in the other person.
A Note About Abusive Relationships
This advice is aimed at healing your relationships. Emotionally and physically abusive relationships are no exception. Their reflection is no less accurate than that of any other relationship. At the root of abusive relationships you will usually find a severe lack of self-worth in the abused partner, which is re-iterated by their refusal to leave the abuser. The only way to rise above such relationships is to learn the truth about the power of self-love.About the author:
Tania Kotsos is the founder and author of Mind Your Reality. She has been studying mind power and the nature of reality for the last 15 years. After a successful 10 year career as an investment banker in the City of London, she decided to throw in the towel to pursue her dream of empowering people to transform their lives using the innate power of their mind.Visit her website at:
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Micro Loans are Helping Small Businesses to Start Up and Succeed
Micro Loans are Helping Small Businesses to Start Up and Succeed
Micro Loans have been around for a while but they are now getting some attention, particularly with small businesses needing seed finance or early stage growth finance. In fact micro lending maybe what will help us get out of this recession. Micro loans create new businesses, which will need employees. Additionally these newly seeded businesses will hopefully encourage the larger banking institutions to lend more freely again. More reason for job growth. Small business growth + newly created jobs = a fix we need to exit this recession for good.
What is a Micro Loan?
A Micro loan is generally a loan to a start up or early growth small business for less than $35,000. Mostly controlled by non-profits, and they typically lend to businesses in a particular geographical area- generally a “local” or community based loan. Terms are for 5-6 years with collateral to securitize the loan typically. Micro lenders require a solid
cOOL !
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Incorporation services - Business formation - Incorporate online
Espanol | Contact | Privacy | Service Terms| SiteMap
ActiveFilings LLC is a document filing service and cannot provide you with legal, tax or financial advice. The information on our website, is designed to provide general information related to the business incorporation in the USA. It is presented with the understanding that ActiveFilings LLC is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
© 2001 -2010 by Active Filings LLC. All Rights Reserved
Very good !
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Rise of the super business angels - Finance & Banking :: Real Business - The Champion of UK Enterprise
Rise of the super business angels
By Brett Tudor, published 1 day ago in Finance & Banking.
A new breed of business angel has arrived on the scene. They’re aggressive, super agile and loaded with cash to invest. They've already upset the pecking order, as they fill a niche between your average angel investor and VC firms. Meet the super angels.
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But who are these super angels and how do you find them? Unsurprisingly, you're more likely to hear about them in the US – Silicon Valley in particular has proved a rich breeding ground for super angels. This is no accident, as the list of super angels includes a number of senior executives from internet powerhouses such as Google and Paypal.
Those executives have gone on to amass funds of tens of millions of dollars. For example, Aydin Senkut, a former Google Executive, recently raised $40m for his super angel fund. Considering that $500,000 of investment power is enough to stir the interest of venture capitalist firms, it's clear that this new breed of super angels is poised to threaten the existing status quo.
VCs have enjoyed a long period of dominance with little or no real threat coming from angel investors in the past. The meagre amounts that business angels were putting in achieved some success, but the odds were – and in most cases, still are – clearly stacked against making enough money to draw the attention of VC firms.
Before the emergence of super angels, early-stage businesses with high growth potential were forced to go to VC firms and sacrifice a large proportion of equity in their business in return for the finance they needed. In risk-averse times, this meant that entrepreneurs needed to give away higher proportions of equity to mitigate the risks of failure, particularly when in comes to a business that has yet to make money.
In some cases those entrepreneurs lost control of their companies altogether, or were forced to watch as their business was stripped away from them and sold. Not so with the help of a new breed of flexible, agile super angels who have a keen interest in the success of the business, instead of being an absent investor. Super angels, like business angels, can provide expertise to turn things around when things go wrong and many of them are extremely knowledgeable in their field, particularly when it comes to tech startups.
So while VCs and banks continue to run away from risk, it's super angels that have moved in to fill the void and provide those higher levels of funding needed to encourage innovation in the tech sector.
So where do VCs go from here? Well, clearly the current VC model is broken as the maths simply don't add up. Few acquisitions bring the high billion-dollar returns required for VC firms to make a decent profit. But some VC firms may see super angels as helpful in providing companies with that early-stage high-risk growth capital, before they step in later and capitalise on some lucrative deals.
Super business angels are a step back to the roots of VC investing, where much smaller funds are raised by well-connected and more powerful business angels. As investors pull back from risk, super business angels' influence is likely to grow.
Without risk there can be no growth, and it appears that only super angels are prepared to take those risks and provide the much-needed capital required to stimulate innovation and this can’t be a bad thing. What could be bad is that the relative paucity of super angels in Europe, with the exception of France, means that much of the help that only super angels can provide is concentrated elsewhere.
Brett Tudor is the editor of, an online magazine focused on business angel investment and startup investors.
Picture source
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Entrepreneur's StartUps - Fall 2010 » Full And Free Download Rapidshare MegaUpload DepositFile fileserve HotFile Torrent
cOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
31Projects launches platform for student freelance projects & crowdsourcing competitions - StartupReport (Press Release) | News for Entrepreneurs
RALEIGH, NC, September 8 – 31Projects announced today the beta launch of their online marketplace for student freelance projects and crowdsourcing competitions. The platform is the first of its kind connecting talented students and companies through individual or team projects and crowdsourcing-style competitions. Organizations can utilize the platform to gain affordable, high-quality assistance on their projects and innovative solutions to their challenges while students build experience applying their classroom learning to tackle real-world business problems. Through the short-term projects & competitions employers also have the opportunity to “test-drive” students for potential full-time employment.
“As CEO of a quickly growing startup I face challenges on many fronts, and 31Projects enables me to engage highly talented students in working on these challenges,” said Hajo Engelke, Founder & CEO of Custom Choice Cereal. “At the same time I get to try out potential recruits through a real, risk-free project.”
Initial project sponsors on the platform represent a broad cross-section ranging from high-growth startups to large employers to nonprofits. “Especially among startups and SMEs, we have seen a need for the skills and energy which top students can bring to addressing business challenges, at a price that is much more affordable than engaging professional consultants. Connecting students and organizations through these interactions makes sense because it has an obvious benefit for both,” said 31Projects Founder & CEO Jon Reifschneider.
The public beta will focus on business-related projects and will include a growing network of several hundred MBA and graduate students from all of the top universities across the U.S. The company plans to later expand the platform to also include top undergraduate students as well as other disciplines in addition to business.
About 31Projects
31Projects is an online marketplace which connections companies and top students through short-term projects and crowd-sourcing competitions. The company was founded in January 2010 in Raleigh, NC. For more information please visit
cOOL !
Ventegy Introduction
business paradigms brought about by the evolution and momentum of the Internet has made it possible to approach entrepreneurial ventures, whether it’s a new
cOOL !
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
VC 2.0: The Lean Investor (Sept 2010)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
ExecutivePlan: Find Angel Investors: Top 10 Websites to Find Ange...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
BusinessWorld Online Edition: Start-up for online trainers rises on wings of ‘angel investors’
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